Fellowship of Indonesian Christians in America

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2021 OMC XXVIII – Characters and Competencies in technological Era

Characters and Competencies in technological Era...

2020 – OMC XXVI – Stewardship of Christian Freedom

Stewardship of Christian Freedom...

2019 – Our Identity in Christ

Our Identity in Christ and the Vital Role of Education in our Increasingly Polarized Society...

2017 OMC XXIV – Transforming Indonesian Economy

Transforming Indonesian Economy: Indonesian Thriving Under Persecution...

ICF as a Movement – Leaders Meeting 2005

Why is it that some ICF seems to be moving along as a movement and some are more stagnant? What are some factors that influence some ICF better than others?......

Personal Based Ministry

What we have been given by God is something unique, blessed, our lives, are blessing for other people’s lives, etc. So how can we be responsible for with that kind......

ICF Dalam Era Globalisasi – Leaders Meeting 2002

Aktualiasi Injil dalam kehidupan kita tidak pernah dapat lepas dari konteks kehidupan yang ada. Oleh karena itu di dalam usaha membawa Injil kebenaran Allah, kita perlu mengerti situasi konteks dimana......

Five Dimensions of Development on Campus Ministry

Introduction Over the years, FICA has partnered with Indonesian Christian Fellowships (ICFs) in developing a framework for campus ministry. We are trying to answer the following questions. In a period......

Building Leadership Team FOR Personal-Based Ministry in ICF

INTRODUCTION Leadership is one of the most important factors in the success or failure of a ministry. This factor becomes more crucial as we adopt personal-based ministry as our ICF......