Fellowship of Indonesian Christians in America

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2003 DT III: The Need to Care to Understand the Worldview

Indonesia is in the era of restoration following the reformation and transformation eras.  We are no longer debating about the constitution or rights.  Instead we debate the optimum way to......

2001 DT I: Lessons from Spending a Day with People without Homes

We were fortune enough to be able to spend Christmas with about 600 people without homes in 2001.  These homeless people came from every corner of Jakarta.  The celebration was......

2005 OMC XII: The Heart of the Challenge in Transforming Society

In 2005, FICA set a lofty goal for OMC XII.  FICA wanted to craft a social vision for Indonesia based on the biblical values and principles.  We invited excellent speakers......

2004 OMC XI: The Start of FICA’s Journey to Mount Moriah

We could tell that something had to be changed in OMC XI.  The audience of OMC X had been convicted on Indonesia and was anxious to start working on real......

2003 OMC X: A Decade of Learning

In 2003, we celebrated our 10th OMC.  It was truly a watershed moment.  In the first 10 OMC, we learnt about Indonesia and ourselves as Indonesian Christians.  The last ten......

2002 OMC IX: Shedding the Image of the West and Nurturing Indonesian Christians Own Identity

Few days after OMC 8, the US was attacked by Muslim Radicals.  The attack re-energized frontal confrontation and changed the relationship between the West and the Muslim world as well......

2001 OMC VIII: Looking at the Past Sins to Change the Future

Indonesia had gone through tremendous social conflicts right at the end of the second millennium.  We saw conflicts in Maluku, Poso, and Sampit.  The unimaginable things happened during the conflicts. ......

2000 OMC VII: Learning Hard Concepts on Democracy and Civil Society

The 7th Overseas Mission Conference or OMC was held in Saint Charles, IL in the fall of 2000.  We were anxious that year because of the possibility for the computer......