Fellowship of Indonesian Christians in America

About FICA

About Us

FICA (Fellowship of Indonesian Christian in America) is a community that helps young people to be an impactful leader in Indonesia by having biblical understanding, faithful heart, and acting accordingly to God’s desire.

Vision and Mission

Our Vision

To see Indonesian Christians faithfully and obediently fulfill the Great Commission and Cultural Mandate in this world, especially Indonesia.

Our Mission

To equip Indonesian Christians to make an impact in their communities for Christ

We believe in

  • Divine inspiration and consequent authority of the whole canonical Scripture. This includes their being free of all manners of error in the original manuscripts.
  • Doctrine of Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit
    Fall of the man, his consequent moral depravity and his need of regeneration
  • Doctrine of justification by faith
    Resurrection of the body, both in case of the just and unjust, and the eternal life of the saved and the eternal punishment of the lost
    Atonement through the substitutionary death and resurrection of Christ
    Divine mandate to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ everywhere.

Board and President

David wijdjaja president
Yenny Chandra Vice President
Johannes Setiabudi Board Member
Leonard Winardi Board member
RiNTO dasuki Board member
david SUSANTO board member

FICA Tanah Air

Gabriella Gloria Stephanie
Joey Winaya Budi

IT & Data Team

Adeline Clarissa Co-director
Daniel amin co-director
handi chandra putra co-director
vanessa tiffany team member
Andrew Rusli Team member
margaret tan team member
alvin fabrio team member
gloria grace team member

Media Marketing

Ruth Sarastia Kuswara Director
Andre Dirga team member
Elisabet Kiara Pramono team member
natasha putra team member
vincent yogasara team member
Gertrudetta Estevania team member

Campus Ministry

Trisha Harjono director
Helmut Leodarta co-director
jordy rumayomi team member
olivia kusuma team member
James Heryanto team member

Overseas Ministry Conference

Hana Gracia Nurjadi director
raymond cahyadi co-director
Kelvin Mulyasasmita Team Member
Steven Amin Team Member

Workplace Ministry

Insos Reza Febri Mayor director
Darren Wijaya Team Member