Purpose in Exile: Impacting Indonesia Beyond Borders
Overseas Ministry Conference 2024
Most Indonesians grow up and spend most of their lives in Indonesia. Some, however, find their way to the United States and end up there. Whether they initially came for education or work, many Indonesians find themselves away from home, strangers in exile.
During last year’s OMC, people learned about the search for significance. We learned that significance is an innate desire in all of us and can only be found when we fulfill God’s calling in our lives. While we’ve learned about this concept, trying to live it out practically can be challenging, especially for Indonesians in the US.
There are some Indonesians who lack awareness of the current conditions in Indonesia. As they grow apart in proximity from their country, so does their love and zeal for their nation. There are also others who long to make a difference for Indonesia, yet struggle finding ways to do so since they are far from home.
Regardless of the two categories Indonesians find themselves in, the same holds true in which there is a deep longing inside of us to make a difference, to know that we matter. This desire has not only motivated people to do good works, but also achieve such endeavors. People’s quality of life has improved, hearts have been healed, and lives have truly been changed.
While the idea of impacting Indonesia might seem far-fetched and even idealistic, we genuinely believe that God has called Indonesians to engage with their current season of life and leverage their identity as Indonesians for the Gospel. It is this redemptive work that God has called believers to partake in. It is a great privilege that some Indonesians can live in the US, but they must also make the most of their opportunity.
Our hope for this OMC is for everyone to not only be inspired but to truly be transformed. We hope that people will be empowered to take a step forward towards making a difference in their country. Moreover, we hope that they will feel equipped and have the necessary resources to implement the changes that are needed. We truly believe that God has placed each and every single one of us for such a time as this. We believe that Indonesian Christians in America can and will make a difference for not only Indonesia, but for the glory of His name.

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We would like to invite you to please pray God to provide – time, energy, motivation, as well as financial resources. Please pray that God will be present in the friendships between staff, alumni, and partners. Every year we support students to come to OMC.
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