{{title}}{{catlist_raw}}{{content:words:40}} Continue ReadingFICA Next PresidentFICA Fridays
We are excited to announce that our search for a new president has concluded, and David Widjaja has been selected to lead FICA. The transition period will take place from January to March, during which David will work closely with Continue ReadingFICA eventsFICA Fridays
Starting next week, the Ladies Supper Club, FICA’s women’s fellowship, will begin facilitator training with Helen Gullett. Our goal is to equip FICA women to lead Bible studies with confidence. Please pray for the women in the FICA network, that Continue ReadingLinkedIn Outreach EffortFICA Fridays
We’re excited to share how God is working through FICA’s LinkedIn outreach! Recently, an Indonesian student from China, "A," connected with us after seeing our message. He expressed his deep need for fellowship and is thankful to have found FICA.
Through Continue Reading{{title}}{{catlist_raw}}{{content:words:40}} Continue Reading
Introduction Over the years, FICA has partnered with Indonesian Christian Fellowships (ICFs) in developing a framework for campus ministry. We are trying to answer the following questions. In a period......
This year OMC topic will be Business as Mission, Indonesian Economic Development. The conference will be held from August 30 to September 2, 2013 in Columbus, OH, USA. For more......
Theme: Economic Development to Improve Welfare Location: Jakarta, Indonesia Date: Late May / Early June 2013 Objectives: 1. Understand the vision behind these institutions effort to improve welfare, 2. Capture......
Imagine that you need to see a doctor in a health clinic or hospital. You go to the website of your health clinic or hospital where you have been registered......
Universitas seperti yang kita kenal sekarang ini adalah salah satu dari tujuh institusi penting ciptaan peradaban barat, yaitu : Keluarga, Profesi, Gereja, Economic Enterprise, Negara, Media Massa dan Universitas. Universitas,......
We have learned, through experience that the typical corporate model in the context of leadership is a pyramid. The managers and leaders occupy the upper domains and the laborer lies......
Dalam UUD ’45 secara garis besar tertulis bahwa kebudayaan bangsa adalah kebudayaan yang timbul sebagai buah usaha budidaya rakyat Indonesia seluruhnya. Namun, Indonesia tidak menolak kebudayaan baru dari budaya asing......
This paper will talk about the definition of a Christian Nation Builder in the light of the Scripture in general and its characteristics. Then, we will discuss this concept in......
Mr. Sunny Tanuwidjaja is the Executive Director of Center of Democracy and Transparency (CDT). CDT is a think tank that actively participate in educating the voters to elect leaders those......
Rev. Rinaldy Damanik has been a prominent figure in peace negotiation and reconciliation effots in Poso. Rev. Damanik has suffered a lot during the conflict in Poso. Poso (Central Sulawesi)......
Mr. Albertus Suryo Sarman is a social worker and a researcher in the area of human rights, poverty, and pluralism especially in rural areas. The interview was conducted on 2004....
Indonesia is in the era of restoration following the reformation and transformation eras. We are no longer debating about the constitution or rights. Instead we debate the optimum way to......