Fellowship of Indonesian Christians in America

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FICA @ Tanah Air Gathering FICA Fridays We are grateful for the meaningful connections made during our recent FICA@TanahAir gathering for young professionals! It was a special time for FICA members who have recently returned to Indonesia and those who’ve been back for a few years to Continue Reading OMC 2025 Preparations Underway FICA Fridays Exciting news—preparations for FICA’s annual conference this September have officially begun! OMC brings together students and young professionals to grow in faith, leadership, and vision for impacting Indonesia. The event team is hard at work planning a meaningful experience that will Continue Reading FICA Campus Visit to Madison, WI FICA Fridays Happy Friday, FICA friends! A few weeks ago, Trisha, our campus ministry director, visited the Indonesian community in Madison, WI, and connected with Indonesian students at UW-Madison. She attended Madison’s Indonesian Fellowship, building relationships with the community and students. One Continue Reading {{title}} {{catlist_raw}} {{content:words:40}} Continue Reading Finding Community and Living Out Our Calling FICA Fridays Dear FICA Friends, Discerning our calling is never easy, but God has placed us in specific times, places, and relationships for a purpose. He entrusts us with people within our circle of influence, and we are called to steward those relationships Continue Reading {{title}} {{catlist_raw}} {{content:words:40}} Continue Reading

Transforming World View to Produce Christian Nation Builder (Biblical Perspective)

This paper will talk about the definition of a Christian Nation Builder in the light of the Scripture in general and its characteristics. Then, we will discuss this concept in......

Sekilas gambaran kebudayaan Indonesia

Dalam UUD ’45 secara garis besar tertulis bahwa kebudayaan bangsa adalah kebudayaan yang timbul sebagai buah usaha budidaya rakyat Indonesia seluruhnya. Namun, Indonesia tidak menolak kebudayaan baru dari budaya asing......

Servant Leadership

We have learned, through experience that the typical corporate model in the context of leadership is a pyramid.  The managers and leaders occupy the upper domains and the laborer lies......

Latar Belakang ICF

Universitas seperti yang kita kenal sekarang ini adalah salah satu dari tujuh institusi penting ciptaan peradaban barat, yaitu : Keluarga, Profesi, Gereja, Economic Enterprise, Negara, Media Massa dan Universitas. Universitas,......

Impact on Indonesian Health Care System

Imagine that you need to see a doctor in a health clinic or hospital.  You go to the website of your health clinic or hospital where you have been registered......

Dialogue with Sunny Tanuwidjaja

Mr. Sunny Tanuwidjaja is the Executive Director of Center of Democracy and Transparency (CDT).  CDT is a think tank that actively participate in educating the voters to elect leaders those......

Dialogue with Rev. Rinaldy Damanik

Rev. Rinaldy Damanik has been a prominent figure in peace negotiation and reconciliation effots in Poso.  Rev. Damanik has suffered a lot during the conflict in Poso.  Poso (Central Sulawesi)......

Dialoque with Albert Suryo Sarman

Mr. Albertus Suryo Sarman is a social worker and a researcher in the area of human rights, poverty, and pluralism especially in rural areas.  The interview was conducted on 2004....

Dialogue with Simon Patrice Morin

Simon Patrice Morin is a member of house representative from Papua since 1992.  He has been involved in decentralization process of Papua....

Dialogue with Kie Eng Go

Mr. Kie Eng Go is the CEO of Surya Enterprise Indonesia.  Surya Enterprise is a technology company that involves in developing solutions for under developed villages in rural Indonesia.  Mr.......

Dialoque with Indayani Moeljo

Indayani Moeljo was director of FICA’s Center for Strategic Studies that sponsored Overseas Mission Conference.  Indayani Moeljo went back to Indonesia in 2005.  She has been instrumental in many initiatives......

Dialogue with Dr. Jurianto Joe

It is FICA’s vision for Christians to be a leader in the public space in Indonesia.  Specifically, we are called to equip Indonesian Christians in the US that have the......